Friday, June 22, 2012

Deep Fried Fair Food Includes Cheeseburgers, Red Velvet Cake
By Todd Rigney
June 20, 2012The deep fried fair food on the menu at this year’s California State Fair will probably test the limits of those individuals who believe their stomach is constructed of cast iron. Once upon I time, I could stuff just about anything into my gaping maw and walk away from the experience without much gastrointestinal trauma. As I’ve gotten older, however, the very thought of consuming chocolate-covered bacon is enough to make me reach for a big ol’ bottle of Pepto.
Over 100 vendors will be peddling their edible wares at the California State Fair, which runs from July 12th through the 29th. Some of the entrees that will be made available to adventurous foodies include the Big Beef Rib (essentially, a big ass 24-ounce steak jammed onto a 17-inch cow rib), a deep-fried cheeseburger (complete with jalapeno cheese), and, last but not least, a pork chop on a stick. The last one is probably the most palatable to those who aren’t really in the mood for something that will obliterate their bowels in a matter of seconds.
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