Friday, June 8, 2012

For many performers, circus is their life

Telegram photo by Cole W. Eberle 
Gabby Fernandes is seen during a performance called Spanish Web Wednesday afternoon during the Carson & Barnes Circus
By Jesus Lopez-Gomez | 
Thursday, June 7, 2012
COLUMBUS — The first thing audiences saw as they took their seats at the Carson and Barnes Circus at Platte County Agricultural Park Tuesday evening was the clown Alex Acero.

His modest height gives him an adolescent appearance that he exploits in shows by donning red parachute pants and overdone face paint below a gravity-defying single long lock of hair that sticks straight out like an antenna.

His voice was raised a few octaves over the public address system giving him a chipmunk-like voice as he delivered the rules.

“There will be absolutely no, no, no smoking,” he said with a child’s self-conscious defiance wagging a finger.

Acero performed in Brazil before joining Carson and Barnes four years ago, where he does a little of everything. Before the show was over, the Columbus audience saw Acero perform on a trampoline, catch a bowling pin with his chin and turn his dog into a young girl.

“I have fun at my job,” he said. “I like making people laugh. I feel like it’s a game when I go on, not work. I just give thanks to God and go out there.”

Under the big top, the ringmaster summoned the first act: Jenny Walker.
Jenny Walker
 She performed the dog portion of her dog and pony act. Donning an impossibly sequined one-piece with excessively long fringes, she walked gallantly inside the ring smiling while dogs jumped easily through a hula hoop she held a few feet above the ground.

The moves are completed with such precision that it had to be the 408th time she had run the routine, although Walker smiled like she had just nailed the trick last week.
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