Thursday, June 21, 2012

Giovanni Zoppé keeps family ties in Addison circus performance

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Giovanni Zoppe, known as Nino the Clown will be performing in Villa Park.
By Allison Horne
GateHouse News Service
Jun 20, 2012 
Addison, IL — Giovanni Zoppé, or Nino the clown, has never known anything but the circus life. Ever since he was young, he always knew that he wanted to grow up and join his family circus.
 The Zoppé Family Circus first got started in 1842 when a French street performer, Napoline, ran into a ballerina named Ermenegilda in Budapest. The duo ran away to Italy, and began what is known today as the Zoppé Circus.
 When Zoppé’s grandfather inherited the circus, he was asked by Orson Welles to be a part of the Ringling Brothers Greatest Show on Earth. That’s when they decided to pick up their circus and moved across the ocean to the United States.
Now, the circus travels all over the country for about 30 weeks in the year. This year, they’ll be returning to Addison and Caputo’s Fresh Market with an extra treat—Giovanni will be reunited with some of his family members from Italy. The Christiani Brothers will bring their trampoline act and perform with Giovanni and the rest of the Zoppé family for the first time in 52 years.
 The circus also has one more treat in store—Giovanni’s 2-year-old son, Julien, will also be joining him in the ring.

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