Friday, July 13, 2012


Dick-- As I told you the Picadilly Circus is one of the best I have
seen in years.
The Midway from the Box Office to the Big Top is about 100' deep.
A 40' x 80' tent, on the right, houses A Petting Zoo, Pony Ride,
6 Camels and 2 Zebras.
Going down the left side is an Elephant Ride (Tom Demry), Moon Bounce
& Camel Ride. Many Stands in between leading to a Reception Tent selling
the Usual Merchandise. This leads into the Beautiful Blue & Yellow Big Top.

The Big Top looks to me like it would easily seat 1500 patrons.

Can't name all the acts in the show, but they were all outstanding!

Ian Garden has a two zebra & six camel act, Tom Demry &
Anna May, Dancing Elephant, Ming Chinese Vase Juggler are
the only ones I can identify.

All Butchers, Prop Crew and other hands were in Uniforms and
look neat and clean. Sound and Lighting were oustanding.

Even the Rest Room was great and neat as a pin!
This is a great show from beginning to end.
I was really impressed!
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