Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Indiana fair features spaghetti and meatballs ice cream

Indiana State Fair via Gannett
Monroe Concessions' spaghetti and meatballs ice cream was voted the 2012 signature food of the Indiana State Fair.
By Bill Mccleery, The Indianapolis Star
July 24, 2012
INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana State Fair has a new entry in the informal weird food competition that occurs every summer across the country: spaghetti and meatballs ice cream.
The meatless concoction — made with gelato noodles, strawberry tomato sauce, shredded white chocolate cheese and chocolate meatballs — took best in show to become the state fair's signature food, fair officials said Tuesday.
"You can't beat the presentation," disc jockey Kevin Freeman of WFMS-FM, who served on the panel of judges, said in a video posted to YouTube. "It's just fantastic."
More than 30 state fairs from Alaska to Alabama are scheduled in the next eight weeks.
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Carousel Foods Inc. via Gannett
Carousel Foods Inc. will offer deep-fried bubble gum at the 2012 Indiana State Fair.
Other delicacies at the Aug. 3-19 Indiana fair take a trip through the deep-fat fryer: Samoa Girl Scout cookies; M&Ms; Hershey drops, and bubble gum, which, like the spaghetti ice cream, fakes the gum with bubble-gum-extract-coated marshmallows.
The marshmallows then get dipped in foam cake batter, are deep fried and served on a stick, said Cheryl Reas of Corydon, Ind., a longtime concessionaire at the fair.
"I like that one a lot," she said. "It's one of my favorites."
Not to be outdone, vendors at other states' fairs are offering chocolate-covered bacon in California, deep-fried pickle "dawgs" in Iowa, pumpkin spice funnel cakes in Ohio, lamb fries — you may not want to know what part of a male lamb is fried — in Minnesota, and a sugared doughnut stuffed with barbecued pork in Wisconsin.
The Reas family, which has operated Indiana fair concessions since the 1930s, also is introducing two new burgers. One is a raspberry doughnut chicken burger, a deep-fried chicken breast sandwiched between two raspberry-jelly-filled donuts.
The other?
A bacon peanut butter banana burger.
"We kind of call it 'the Elvis,'" Reas said.

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