Monday, July 16, 2012

On the circus train: Elephants still travel retro (tigers too!) — and stop traffic in Houston

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Photo by Karen Burd
Text by Karen Burd
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's new circus show Fully Charged doesn't just show up in a new city. The elephants take the train.

Tigers and horses too.

This is one circus tradition that has survived modern times.

A crowd waited around the train tracks by Holly Hall and Almeda Road for 25 to 30 minutes to see the circus animals head to Reliant Stadium earlier this week (the show runs through July 29).

It was definitely worth the wait. Children, parents and even the puppies that were around seemed to be excited and anxious.

Since you can't really put a leash on a tiger and take it for a walk, the rest of the animals stayed in their train cars and then were moved to the stadium later.

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