Saturday, August 25, 2012

Eoin Butler's Q&A
MARION FOSSETT , ringmistress, Fossett’s Circus on the enduring appeal of life in the ring

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ROLL UP Ringmistress Marion Fossett, fourth generation of the Fossett's family circus
The Irish Times
Saturday, August 25, 2012
MARION FOSSETT , ringmistress, Fossett’s Circus on the enduring appeal of life in the ring
How much of the year do you spend on the road? We usually go out around St Patrick’s Day and tour right through to the end of October. During the summer, that means doing at least one show a day. Often we’ll perform twice on the same day, pack up and travel to the next town that night.
Your show no longer includes animals. Why? No, we haven’t had wild animals for the past five years. But the star of the show is still a little terrier called Max who comes on riding a pony and tears the place up. The kids love him. This year, two acrobats from Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey are topping the bill. They do a high wire with no safety net. For the final trick, she stands on his shoulders and he walks across...
Wait, you’re not going to give the ending away? It’s a two-hour show. There’s a lot more I’m not going to tell you about, don’t worry!
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