Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stage performer was hired without ever having seen a circus

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Brian Crawford Scott
by David Burke
August 25, 2012
A friend of Brian Crawford Scott saw something in him that he certainly didn’t.
The friend was working for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, and when she heard the circus was having auditions for a new ringmaster, she first thought of him.
“I was very incredulous, actually,” recalled Scott, who had moved to New York City to try to break into musical theater. “I had never seen the circus before as a kid. I wasn’t a circus fan or even goer, and I had no idea what a ringmaster was like.”
But the more he studied, the more interested he became.
“Once I learned that ringmasters are singers now, and I got to see all the things ringmasters do on YouTube videos and interviews, (I thought) this was a pretty neat job,” Scott said from a circus stop in Fort Worth, Texas. “This was something I could do.”
Scott got the gig and has been traveling with the circus ever since.
The 26-year-old said the auditions came at an ideal point in his career.
“I was so stuck in the musical theater rut, so to speak, because that’s what I went to New York to try and do,” he said.
Scott said it didn’t take him long to realize why young and old alike love the circus.
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