Thursday, September 6, 2012

THE circus is coming to town as part of the Freedom Festival.

The tent is up, and the traditional circus caravans are gathered, on Humber Street in preparation for the Yorkshire premiere of Circus Ronaldo's latest production, Amortale.

by Lucy Lyon
September o5, 2012
Fusing comedy, theatre, visual delights and music, the circus hacks back to the romantic days of travelling performers.

Daniel Van den Broeck, performer and director, explained: "The whole thing is difficult to explain - like when you see a big Rubens painting and it is difficult to explain what you are seeing as a whole.

"It is traditional from the time before circuses had animals: it is vaudeville and cabaret. I always say the old world circuses are the sea of all arts, with all the different rivers coming together.

"The most important thing for us, though, is the love. That is the theme of our show but more than that it is the love between the audience and the performers that is important. That is why we play in a small tent - because eye contact is very important."

Assistant head of culture and lifestyle at Hull City Council Jon Pywell said: "Circus Ronaldo is an internationally acclaimed circus that is coming to the city to be part of a really high quality, international festival.

"Freedom is really important to the city and to the region. It is the biggest festival we put on and last year 75,000 attended. It is part of the cultural jigsaw of the city."

The first show, on Thursday, for Amortale is already sold out but tickets, priced from £8.50, for Friday and Saturday are still available.

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