Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Juggling faith, fun and family

'My faith is central to all that I do. I wear four hats - the ministries,educational programs, entertainment and speaking.' -
 Nels Ross Cremean
Sharon Cantillon / Buffalo News
By Jane Kwiatkowski, NEWS STAFF REPORTER
from:  buffalonews.com
Published:September 1, 2012,
Nels Ross Cremean calls himself a professional oddball, but he makes a living by making people smile. At age 40, he is a motivational speaker, juggler, comic and educator - not to mention a husband and father of five children, ages 11 to 19.Cremean, who lives in Clarence, grew up in Trumansburg, outside Ithaca in central New York. The son of a carnival performer and minister, Cremean is a faith-based man who started clowning as a mime in the 1980s.
 He studied math and theater at the University at Buffalo where he also earned a master's degree in education. You may have seen Cremean as a street performer at many of this summer's outdoor events. Humor and play are big in his world.
 People Talk: How did you celebrate your 40th birthday?
 Nels Ross Cremean: I played the whole day with my kids. We went out for a big pancake breakfast and then went to Darien Lake, and we stayed for a big Kingdom Bound celebration. That was my birthday. When I got there, the first thing I did was go on the Ride of Steel [roller coaster]. I kept my hands up the whole ride.
 PT: Have you led a funny life?
 NRC: Yes, when I think of all the crazy experiences we've had around the dinner table, my brothers and my mom, who was a mime and a fire eater. I would go to conferences and churches and libraries with my mom. I did more mime as a kid, but I can be serious. I try not to take myself too seriously.
 PT:What did you do for the circus?
 NRC: I traveled with a 24- member troupe called the Circus Kingdom. It was actually registered as a youth and family ministry. My faith is central to all that I do. I wear four hats - the ministries, educational programs, entertainment and speaking.
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