Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Circus memory lingers for reader
Mr. Know-It-All
Gary Clothier
October 2, 2012
Q: I recall visiting an aunt and uncle when I was a youngster. As a treat we went to a circus. As we entered the big tent, a woman was on the ground receiving medical assistance for a nasty cut on her ankle. Someone stopped to ask what happened; she said it was a "snake bite." That was nearly 50 years ago, and I still wonder what type of snake would cause such a deep gash? -- G.G., Hays, Kan.
 A: The term is "stake bite," and it is caused by the heads of the metal stakes used to hold up the tents. The tops of the stakes become flattened and flare out; some of them become razor-sharp and can inflict serious wounds on anyone close enough to touch them.

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