Tuesday, October 30, 2012

French Duo Reimagines Circus With Juggling and Accordion in Jakarta
Nadia Yusuf
FROM:  thejakartanglobe.com
October 30, 2012
When accordion player Jean-Francois Baez and circus performer Jerome Thomas took to the stage at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta concert hall on Wednesday, the audience was treated to quite a unique show.
The two French performers, both virtuosos in their fields, teamed up for their performance entitled “Duo.”
Thomas gave an energetic juggling routine while Baez backed him up with some sounds.
The entertainers improvised with detailed precision during their hour-long act.
Thomas’s juggling act, which incorporates the art of mime, comedy and subtle dancing movements, is unique in its own right.
He was quick, nimble and coordinated during his performance and swiftly moved to the beat.
While simultaneously balancing bowling pins and balls, he utilized everything he could from head to toe, even his clothing.
And unlike many other juggling acts seen at a circus, there was a sense of sophistication in his calculated movements.
It was full of precision and perfectly in sync with the accordion music played by Baez.
Thomas opened his first act of the contemporary circus performance by showcasing his agile body movements, spinning and jumping across the stage in harmony with the rhythm of the music.
He then combined the use of his first props by balancing a stick on the palm of his foot and juggling it without the use of his hands.
Thomas also emulated a conveyor belt, expeditiously shifting three rubber balls to and fro in seamless rotations.
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