Friday, October 5, 2012

Lewis and Clark Circus coming to Dyersburg to benefit YMCA
Dyersburg State Gazette
Friday, October 5, 2012
The excitement of the circus comes to Dyersburg at the YMCA Soccer Field Oct. 13 and 14. Performances, sponsored by the YMCA of Dyer County, will take place at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., on Saturday, Oct. 13, and at 3 p.m., on Sunday, Oct. 14.
 Lewis and Clark Circus is a one-ring, European-style circus under the Big Top featuring continuous action in the center ring.
One of the featured acts includes a performance unsuccessfully attempted on "America's Got Talent" recently. Lewis and Clark performer Jose Ayala will stack round cylinders seven high and show his balancing skills as he stands on a platform on top of all of those cylinders. According to Lewis and Clark officials, Jose Ayala is the only performer in the United States that performs a seven-high Rolla Bolla act successfully on a daily basis.
 Families attending the show may also expect to see Elizabeth Ayala perform high above the ground in her lyra act. Lewis and Clark's version of the Fantastic Four will amaze patrons with juggling skills.
 Acrobats, zany clowns, horses, camels, performing goats and much more circus excitement await those purchasing tickets. The circus midway will be open prior to showtime featuring pony and camel rides, concessions, a free petting zoo and much more.
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