Friday, November 2, 2012

Chicago to get tough on cruelty in circuses ahead of Ringling Brothers tour

Circus trainers make these performances appear natural when they are anything but.
 Credit: Hannes Magerstaedt/Getty Images
November 1, 2012
By: Eve-Angeline Mitchell
The City of Chicago’s inspector general has released a report on the city’s regulation of circuses and how they treat their animals, according to an article on PETA’s website. PETA has asked Chicago repeatedly to investigate the circuses that visit, particularly Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, which has been plagued with protests and legal problems in recent years due to their cruel treatment of their animals and violating state animal-treatment laws without enforcement action taken.

Chicago’s inspector general requires changes in the way the city handles animal exhibits, including requiring veterinary records with applications for permits, and having Chicago Animal Care and Control give additional training for inspectors and vets to properly inspect and identify any health, sanitation, treatment or other issues facing exotic animals in the circuses that come to Chicago.
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