Saturday, November 10, 2012

From  Carlos Orta
To rngmstr55
Mr. Dykes--
I was fortunate to come across your blog while trying to find pictures of my parents on the internet. My name is Carlos Orta and like yourself I was also a candy butcher on the Beers Barnes Circus in between 1960 to 62. My parents brought me to the US from Cuba in 1960 and my first job was as a kid clown working along side with Charlie Beers and Roger Barnes doing white face. At the age of eight I was hired by Miss Irene who was Harold Barnes mother as she ran the concession stand and I remember those wonderful childhood summers carrying my snow cone tray filled with as many as 24 cones and running uo and down the bleechers. My father and mther were arialists on the show and went by Los Arias and The Ortas.

My father was very strict and insisted I practise every day on the trampoline, so much so that one season I remember that Harold was injured for a few days and I took his place on the trampoline act.

My parents had been in the US before in the 50's working on the Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus and they had left me in Cuba at the time to be raised by my Grand Mother. We also worked on the Mills Bros Circus I believe from 66 to 68 where I spent those cold winters in Jefferson Ohio. I remember many of the people on the show of which you have some pictures. I clearly remember KY the Bull trainer, Billy Gunga when he came over from England, the Pedrolas and the Funasari family musical clown act with Italo and Bepo.

I am now 59 and will be 60 this coming January and I still have flash backs of those days gone by that seem like another life time. Please write back as I would really enjoy chatting with you about the good old days...
Carlos Orta

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