Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Circus was a Hit! Today is the Last Day

Justin Loomis
By Tom Lemons
November 15, 2012
Brooksville – It felt like a step back in time this afternoon at the Hernando County Fairgrounds as the Loomis Bros. Circus took the stage. There were no fancy light shows, blue faced men pounding drums, or overpriced super choreographed acrobatic symphonies; just a traditional hard working family of circus performers, who have devoted their lives to bringing wholesome clean fun to the community.
As the first measures of Julius Fucik’s Entry of The Gladiators began to ring out, it felt as though we were thrust back to the 19th century; if I squinted my eyes just right I could picture men in Top Hats and women twirling frilled umbrellas as the show began.
The announcer, or Ringmaster Justin Loomis, stepped out into the ring with in the classic rhinestone incrusted 18th century riding habit, and in a deep over exaggerated voice welcomed the audience to the show.
The Tiger’s majestic beauty captivated onlookers as they performed their tasks effortlessly and precisely. When the elephants took center stage, oohs and ah’s filled the air as people were mesmerized by their incredible size. One of the 12,000 lb giants actually stood on what appeared to be a sphere the size of a beach ball; at first there was total silence and then the crowd erupted in cheers. There were no whips or prods to force their movement just a simple word and point by the trainer and trick was flawlessly executed.
Of course I can’t overlook or minimize the unbelievable feats achieved by the human performers. There was an Argentinean family of acrobats whose youngest member was a mere 5 years old.  They performed high flying acts and “human juggling” that would make you cover your eyes.
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