Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The evolution of race promotion
Research, technology and costs have changed how tracks reach their fan bases

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By Mark Aumann, NASCAR.COM
November 06, 2012
exerpt from article (link below)
So how do you reach today's audience? Are there really any "new" ways of marketing, or are promoters just dusting off old ideas and giving them a fresh, new twist?
For example, Gossage used a "Wild Asphalt Circus" theme this fall at Texas Motor Speedway, based on his experiences growing up.
"For instance, the carnival we have outside Turn 2 was influenced by my days as a kid, going to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds to see the races at Nashville Speedway," Gossage said. "You had carnival rides and stuff. That was just hand-in-hand.
"That carnival out there, it's not anything new. It's just that nobody's done one at a race in a long, long time. I don't know that there's any new ideas. There's just variations of old ideas. Fortunately, I can place some old things that either I did or that others did, and it seems like I'm coming up with new ideas today because I got into this sport when I was 20 years old."
read it all here:

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