Saturday, December 29, 2012

Circus clowns cheer up patients at Children’s Hospital

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Clowns Dave and Cherie Gregg with Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus perform for a group of patients and their families at The Children's Hospital Friday morning.
from: Macon, GA,
December 28, 2012
There’s nothing funny about spending five weeks in the hospital, but Jazmine Tucker was giggling behind her cartoon-adorned face mask Friday morning.
The 5-year-old, who has been hospitalized since Nov. 23, was watching a couple of clowns perform in the activity room of The Children’s Hospital at The Medical Center of Central Georgia.
“They’re funny,” said Jazmine, who particularly enjoyed seeing the red-nosed man with blue receding hair balance a folding chair on his chin.
“We are trained circus professionals,” Dave Gregg said as he cautioned the youngsters to never, ever try to balance a chair on their own faces.
Gregg and his wife, Cherie, are “Ambassadors of Laughter” for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus.
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