Friday, December 28, 2012

 Mini pony is returned to circus
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photo/Circus Berlin
27. 12. 12
The missing miniature pony "Fridolin" has been returned to his circus owners safe and sound after an anonymous tipoff that he had been abandoned at a bus stop .

The pony was returned after a number of high profile news reports including one in this newspaper which the circus owner believes put pressure on whoever had taken him to realise that they couldn't keep him – and to give him back.

According to the anonymous caller they had taken the pony in order to give some Christmas cheer to a sick child – and it had been fed baby food in the time it was away. They apologised for the inconvenience. Police are investigating.

The Vienna Christmas Circus (Wiener Weihnachtszirkus) which is currently based in Liesing said that Fridolin was its star attraction.

The miniature pony vanished early on Monday last week and the 60 centimetres tall animal remained lost for a week.f
 Circus director Adolf Lauenburger said: "It seems as if somebody opened the paddock and lead the pony out – but from our side we are not worried about looking for punishment for whoever was responsible for taking the pony. What is much more important is that we get him back for the next series of performances.

"Fridolin is the tiny star of our animal crew and works together with another horse to entertain the public. One of the great things about him is that he doesn't have a fixed schedule – he just does what he wants and is a real natural performer in entertaining. Nobody taught him – he just seems to know."

He said the pony was irreplaceable and as he had been bottle fed and raised since he was a foal he would have been easy to lead away.

The pony has a chip identifying him and also answers to his name.

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