Saturday, December 15, 2012

Popovich combines human and animal comedy on stage

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The Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is Sunday.
By Dana Oland
December 14, 2012
Let’s start with the obvious question: How do you get a house cat to do anything, much less push a grocery cart, jump through hoops or roll on a ball?
Just ask Gregory Popovich, a world-class juggler, acrobat and animal whisperer who has mastered the art of coaxing house cats onto the stage.
“You see, each cat has a trick hiding inside them,” he says. “Cats are very independent, so I can’t make them do anything. What I have to find out is their natural talent and then build on that.”
Popovich has appeared with his Comedy Pet Theater on TV shows such as “Late Night with David Letterman,” “Penn & Teller” and “America’s Got Talent.”
Today, you’ll find Popovich and his animals at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas six days a week, except when he’s on tour with his award- winning show.
He brings it to Boise Dec. 16 as part of the Velma Morrison Family Theater Series. On stage, you’ll see hysterical feats performed by 14 cats, 12 dogs, three geese, one parrot and even a few humans.
All the animals are rescues from shelters. He says his show proves that all animals at shelters are worth the effort to save.
“So if you want a pet, maybe you will try there first,” Popovich says.
Just by going to the show you can help the Idaho Humane Society fill its Pet Food Pantry. Bring a can or small bag of pet food or treats with you.
Popovich learned to love and work with animals growing up in the Moscow Circus where his parents had a dog act.
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