Friday, December 28, 2012

Ringling Bros. circus gives Tampa a peek behind the scenes

Clowns will be a big part of the show that lets visitors see how band members and performers prepare.
The Tampa Tribune
December 27, 2012
Magnificent elephants, astonishing acrobats, a human cannonball and lots of clowning around, it can mean only one thing — the circus is coming to town.

The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be here Wednesday through Jan. 6 with an all-new show called "Built to Amaze," a three-ring spectacle advertised to give visitors a look at the inner-workings of the circus.

"It's a play on the intricacies of what makes the Greatest Show on Earth work," said Nicole Feld, producer of Feld Entertainment. "The nitty-gritty of what goes on behind the scenes."

Visitors will get to see how band members and performers prepare. Even the elephants will wear hard hats, said Feld.
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Acrobatic unicycle act The King Charles Troupe was the first African- American act in history to appear with Ringling Bros.
And guests can expect lots of new surprises, such as a human cannonball Elliana Grace, who will be shot from a cannon and soar more than 100 feet through the air.

Grace, 20, has been training for her cannonball performance for three months, building muscles and practicing her technique, which includes tightening and compressing her body before launch. She says she is eagerly awaiting the first time she is shot out of a cannon in front of the crowd.

"I'm going to be so nervous," said Grace, who has worked in the circus as an aerialist, tumbler and horseback rider. "I can't imagine what it's going to be like (on opening day). It's really all about technique and getting over the fear."
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