Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rough Ride for Arcades at Coney Island Park .

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Jason Andrew for The Wall Street Journal
Despite the damage, the park plans to reopen as expected on March 2013.
from: online.wsj.com
December 9, 2012 .
As storm-battered Coney Island rebuilds after Sandy, the operators of its famed amusements face a specific challenge: how to refurbish beloved but antiquated rides and games without stripping the novelties of their character.
Since most contractors or fix-it crews don't have experience with carousel parts and bumper cars, park owners are reaching out to a unique cadre of experts and professional tinkerers to painstakingly repair old relics and fan favorites.
"We planned for the worst. But it got worse than that," said Dennis Vourderis, 54 years old, who co-owns Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park with his brother, Steve, 50. "We spent our youth here and never left, never will."
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