Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Circus returns Monday, Tuesday

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Tom King, better known as Tom E. Boy the Clown, visited The Valdosta Daily Times’ offices this past week to promote the Cole Bros. Circus of the Stars playing Monday and Tuesday.
by Dean Poling
from: The Valdosta Daily Times
October 27, 2012
VALDOSTA — A heart attack led Tom King to transform his career in corporate security to becoming a clown.
 Following the cardiac episode, a doctor told King to find something less stressful, to find something he loves.
 A joy for clowning became an independent career for the past quarter century. This year, King’s Tom E. Boy became the advance clown representative for the Cole Bros. Circus of the Stars playing under the big-top tent for two days next week.
 The circus is scheduled to feature trapeze artists, tigers, elephants, acrobats, dog acts, a human cannonball, and, of course, more clowns.
 King’s Tom E. Boy has kind of become a king of clowns, says Dan Baltulonis, the circus senior marketing representative. King is a past president of Clowns of America International. He has written a book on clowning, an instructional book that covers everything from being a professional clown to a hometown clown.
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