Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I just received word that Jimmy Silverlake passed away yesterday.
Jimmy was a great friend and probably he and his brother Melvin  knew more aboutrunning a circus than anyone!
I will have more info as soon as I receive it and pass it along.

The above photo was taken in 1971 or '72 at the Wicomico Civic Center
in Salisbury, MD. The Baby belonged to Ozzy Schleentz, Royal Ranch wild West Circus and trained by Jimmy. They were working for Bill and I
as we produced the show.
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And then with King Tusk on the Ringling show.


  1. Very sad indeed... Sorry to see another member of the old school leave...Rest In Peace Jimmy

  2. Jimmy was always great to us fans a well as Mel.
    I first met them on Fisher Bros Circus a real small great painted up Circus.
    The whole Silverlakes were there and they billed the heck out of the area.
    They had 2 elephants and well rounded circus and very fan friendly.
    He will be missed and a long time friend.
    Harry in texas
