Wednesday, January 23, 2013


For Sarasota skywalk, an unfettered Wallenda

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Nik Wallenda, at Niagara Falls ahead of his harrowing crossing above the natural landmark.
January 23, 2013
SARASOTA - As a seventh- generation member of the Flying Wallenda family -- one who recently walked on a wire strung across Niagara Falls -- Nik Wallenda has gotten used to celebrity.
So when word got out Tuesday that Sarasota City Manager Tom Barwin planned to propose that Wallenda not be allowed to walk 200 feet above downtown Sarasota next week unless he used a safety tether, the high- wire artist was soon answering a call from The New York Times.
"Seems these days I have been blessed enough that when I sneeze the media calls me," Wallenda said.
But he had no news for them. The decision to let Wallenda take an aerial hike near the bayfront of his hometown was ultimately up to the city's five commissioners. And as Wallenda made his way down the aisle at City Hall on Tuesday evening to address the commissioners, it was clear that they -- and his supporters in the audience -- were clamoring for the publicity and full of Wallenda pride.
People in the chamber stood up, clapping. The native Sarasotan responded with a modest wave.
"Mr. Wallenda should be able to do this, with or without a tether on it," Commissioner Shannon Snyder said. "He is part of our history here."
The other commissioners agreed, and the event is planned for 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.
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