Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Circus tiger snaps and MAULS trainer in front of shocked audience in Mexico
Alexander Krispin, a Russian animal tamer, was peforming in northwest Mexico on Sunday when he was attacked, according to Russian media. He died later at a hospital.

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Ilya Naymushin / Reuters/REUTERS
A circus tiger in Mexico mauled its tamer during a show on Sunday.

February 4, 2013
A circus tiger in Mexico mauled its tamer during a show on Sunday.
A Russian animal tamer performing in Mexico on Sunday was mauled to death by a tiger in front of horrified circus-goers, according to Russian media and a video of the incident.
Alexander Krispin was performing in the state of Sonora, in northwest Mexico, when he was attacked, Russian media reported.
A spectator's video shows Krispin inside a large cage, briskly walking in circles around two tigers.
One of the tigers suddenly pounces and gets a hold of the Krispin's pants, sending him toppling backward.
 The beast then latches onto the tamer's head.
 Several workers rush into the ring to stop the attack. The video ends as spectators appear to be fleeing the arena.
According to Voice of Russia radio, Krispin died later a hospital.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/tiger-mauls-circus-tamer-article-1.1255073#ixzz2K1XxVdc5

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