Thursday, February 14, 2013

Florida State Fair rides challenge gravity, mild-mannered

Reporter Ray Reyes risks life, limb and lunch to explore and explain the midway rides at the 2013 Florida State Fair. This is Wiggle Wurm, which Reyes describes as "like NASCAR — if the stock car races took place in school zones."
The Tampa Tribune
February 13, 2013
The Orbiter spins slowly at first, then hits a top speed that makes it seem to want to break free of Earth's gravity.
The Zipper not only spins but flips upside down countless times, without regard for the fried candy bar or giant smoked turkey leg you wolfed down a few minutes earlier.
The Stinger pulls off all those moves and provokes riders to squeal in delight or shriek in terror, often at the same time.
What was that? Sounds awesome, you say?
Sorry, I couldn't quite hear you over my screams, although my feet now are firmly planted on the midway because I'd rather watch braver souls tackle rides that give me vertigo just thinking about them.
Though these three twirling contraptions are some of the more popular thrills at this year's Florida State Fair, the midway is packed with a spectrum of attractions that appeals to all ages.
Children can ride cartoonish dinosaurs, lift off on multitcolored helicopters or find their favorite animals on merry-go-rounds.
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From Ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds to Sky Flyer and The Zipper, the midway provides an ocean of motion that ranges in motivation from ambling along to high-flying warp speed.

Couples can take a breezy spin on iconic Ferris wheels or smash into each other in bumper cars.
There are roller coasters, water rides, fun houses and one gyrating, sky-scraping thingamajig called The Dream Catcher that should have been dubbed The Nightmare Inducer.
Here's a closer look at a few of the rides at this year's fair.
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