Sunday, March 24, 2013


Suiting (and seating) up for a circus

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Members of the Irem Shriners erected bleachers Saturday morning in preparation for the 64th annual circus, which will take place April 1-6 at the 109th Field Artillery Armory in Wilkes-Barre.
March 23. 2013
WILKES-BARRE — Members of the Uniformed Units of the Irem Shrine worked Saturday morning to prepare for the upcoming 64th annual circus. Many of the volunteers had hammers in hand, and all seemed to have smiles on their faces, knowing their efforts would benefit members of the community, young and old.
This year the circus, with performances starting April 1 by the Hanneford Circus, will include tigers, elephants, motorcycles and a refreshed grand finale.
Glen Kraft is delighted to be able to serve as a clown for the event. “I consider the circus a holiday,” Kraft said, “and everyone here is a kid, no matter what age.”
Shriner Hank Gordy, 93, who was seated in the middle of all the activity at the 109th Field Artillery Armory, has participated in the event throughout its history. “The circus has changed in some ways, and in some ways it has stayed exactly the same,” Gordy said. “But everyone every
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