Sunday, April 21, 2013


Review: ‘Live’ shows promise
Produced by Tuffy Nicholas

Dancers Abby Resulta, Anthony Borengasser, Nalini Gauthier and Manarii Gauthier perform a Tahitian dance during "Aloha Live" on the pool deck of the Queen Kapiolani Hotel. The show features a mix of Polynesian dance and Cirque du Soleil-inspired performances.
(Star-Advertiser photo by Bruce Asato)
Apr 18, 2013
Three world-class specialty acts and Hawaii’s home-grown Polynesian character actor Vili “Vili the Warrior” Fehoko are the attractions — for Hawaii residents, anyway — at “Aloha Live,” a dinner/variety show that opened April 12 on the third floor pool deck at the Queen Kapiolani Hotel.
The cast performs with Kapiolani Park and Diamond Head as its backdrop. A small but adequate stage is the performance area; a scaffold around the stage is hung with stage lights and gear used by two aerialists, whose Cirque de Soleil-quality routines give the show much of its “wow” factor.

Geddy Pavlovicius performs a feat requiring the utmost balance, standing on a stack of steel cylinders.
(Star-Advertiser photo by Bruce Asato)
The duo, husband-and-wife team David and Angela Saucedo, goes aerial first for a series of show-stopping acrobatics performed on, and while hanging from, a large steel hoop — think trapeze artists, but the hoop replacing the old-style trapeze bars. They return for a show-stopping “aerial silk” routine in which two long strips of cloth replace the hoop as the support for their aerial acrobatics. Each pose, each combination of graceful movement and sudden motion, is more dramatic than the one before.
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Cory Rothwell works magic with balloons, fitting balloon hats on Tanoah Kauhi, 3, and Tahaiah Kauhi, 7.
(Star-Advertiser photo by Bruce Asato)
Watching Angela hang, head down, with only the strength of her husband’s legs keeping her from falling head-first to the floor, is not for the faint-hearted — even with the knowledge that are both trained professionals with the strength, flexibility and grace required.
The term “Cirque-like” has been overused in Hawaii in recent years, but the couple lives up to the expectations created by that phrase. They would certainly not be out of place in a Cirque de Soleil show.
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