Monday, April 1, 2013

Ask the Mayor: Church vs. circus: Is Shriner event appropriate during Holy Week?
By Mike Levsen, Aberdeen, SD Mayor
April 1, 2013
Q. I’m a parent and a Christian. I’m shocked that the city would allow the circus to take place during Holy Week where there are so many religious events taking place. Can the city make sure the circus never is here during Holy Week in the future?
 A. This question came to our office in a phone call and I did not get an opportunity to talk directly with the person with the question. I will presume the thought was not offered with a negative view of the Yelduz Shrine Circus, but with a positive hope for avoiding a conflict. Perhaps there was a particular situation for her that caused this concern.

 One’s first reaction to this question could be that the Yelduz Shrine and all the volunteer Shriners themselves have earned the benefit of the doubt as to their good intentions and questioning them on this is out of bounds. This is their decision and city government would not presume to make it for them.
Not everyone has the same perspective, though, and this questioner apparently sees Easter week as a time when non-church organizers should affirmatively avoid causing any conflict. It has never come to me before this time, but it’s possible this opinion is shared by others.

 I contacted a minister and asked if the local religious leadership was unhappy with the situation this year and he said he was unaware of any major reaction, but it had been acknowledged as something to be dealt with. He viewed this as just one more thing that religious organizations must deal with as they schedule events all year around. There are always conflicts and people have to make choices.

 The circus is a major fundraiser for the Shrine charities, and missing out for a year would reduce their donations to those good works. We assume there are no open weeks when a circus is on tour and they can’t just skip a week’s income while still on the hook for all their daily costs. Elephants have to eat, even during the week of Easter.

 With the floating placement of Easter among the spring weeks on the calendar, there are inevitably going to be years when the Aberdeen performances are offered during Easter Week. The alternative would probably mean skipping it entirely. Hopefully the person who called found a way to get her children to the circus and to her church services, too.
Aberdeen Mayor Mike Levsen's views are his own and don't necessarily represent those of other city officials. Send your questions to

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