Saturday, April 27, 2013


“Edith Clifford (1886-1942) began swallowing swords at the age of 13. Clifford was said to be “generously endowed” and “possessed of more than ordinary personal charms, a refined taste for dressing both herself and her stage, and an unswerving devotion to her art”, and she “perfected an act that found favor in the Royal Courts of Europe”.
Clifford was said to have swallowed 18 to 20 inch blades without a problem, and a longer blade up to 26 inches long, as well as 10, 16, and up to 24 swords at one time. At around the age of 15, Clifford married 33-year old Thomas Holmes who worked for Barnum and Bailey Circus under the stage name the “Elastic Stretch Man”"
 - Sword Swallower’s Hall of Fame
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This is a reproduction of the original 1843 circus poster that inspired John Lennon to write the song Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!, which appeared on The Beatles’ 1967 album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Lennon bought the poster in an antiques shop and hung it in his music room. While writing for Sgt. Pepper one day, he drew inspiration from the quirky, old-fashioned language and set the words to music.

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