Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blast to the Past: Review of Big Apple Circus' "Legendarium"

from:  bostonherald.com
By Jill Radsken / Boston Herald
April 1. 2013
Attending this iteration of the Big Apple Circus feels like starting over. In part, that's because beloved Grandma the clown (Barry Lubin) has retired. But more about that later.
"Legendarium," as this show is called, features many regulars including horse trainer Jenny Vidbel and acrobat Andrey Mantchev, who epitomizes the joy of BAC performers and finds a new way to wow audiences each year. But ringmaster John Kennedy Kane and the historical set gives this one-ring circus an old-fashioned feel. At the Saturday afternoon performance, Kennedy Kane schooled circus-goers on facts between acts - the 42-foot diameter of the ring was created for a horse's gallop, and the first American circus found its home in New York. But kids were enthralled with the extraordinary contortionist Elayne Kramer and Vidbel's horses.
It was a tough crowd, though - one evidenced in the antics of the Acrobuffos clowns. Real-life couple Seth Bloom and Christina Helson performed in 19th-century French masks and costumes, which was a far cry from Grandma's familiar housedress. The pair fell victim to an uptight audience, and it took several requests to get people to participate in the physical comedy. But Acrobuffos need to replace their one-trick-pony show with more dimension. Every appearance revolved around making each other jealous with a member of the audience. The first time it was funny; by the third, not so much.
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The unoriginality makes Grandma's absence even more apparent, but there are new acts to love. The all-female Dalian Troupe of cyclists deserved the finale spot with their modern synchronized act. The somersaulting and jumping from bike to bike was as sleek as the bright biking outfits they performed in. Singing along with Britney Spears' "Circus," the girls define the new generation of circusry.

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