Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The show could be over for circus performers as Government tries to close loop-hole which allows them to educate their children on the road
Critics say move 'criminalises' professionals in travelling circuses
 Would force performers to make difficult personal and professional choices
 Traveller parents not required to ensure their child attends school every day

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Exodus: Performers fear the change could see them forced to quit circus life or face prosecution
from:  dailymail.co.uk
1 April 2013
Circus performers have hit out at government plans to close the legal loophole that allows them to educate their children on the road.

Critics have branded the move currently under consideration at the Department of Education 'ridiculous', and said it 'criminalises' parents working in circuses and fairgrounds.
It would bring to an end an exemption that means traveller parents are not required to ensure their children attend school every day - effectively forcing them to quit circus life, they say.
Currently the children of traveller parents are registered at one UK school, and keep that place even while on the road. The school sets work for the pupil to complete while travelling.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2302238/The-circus-performers-Government-tries-close-loop-hole-allows-educate-children-road.html#ixzz2PIrepIj5
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