Monday, April 1, 2013


circus troupe goes to London

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By Ceci Iacobuzio - Staff Writer in Acron ·
April 1, 2013
Madison, NJ--After facing increasing budget cuts, Drew’s famous and beloved London semester abroad is being revamped. This popular program attracts dozens of applicants every year, all excited for a chance to study in a foreign country. “It’s definitely a big deal on campus so instead of just cancelling it due to funding issues, we looked for ways it could be more cost effective,” Chief Communications Officer Dave Muha said.

The new London program will cost significantly less for students and the school and instead of limiting study opportunities to Britain, will give students the opportunity to travel all over Europe. Students, including those accepted to the fall 2013 program, will become trained members of a travelling circus. English Professor Martin Foys will run the program, as he did this year, and will offer training. Once he feels the students are ready to perform, he’ll act as ringmaster and firebreather in the act.

“It’s a wonderful opportunity for me to help 22 exceptional students expand, both academically, but also physically. The trapeze artists especially learn to stretch in really weird ways.”

Anthropology Professor Maria Masucci will help run the program. She’ll teach courses in Anthropology and also care for the nearly 50 wild animals Drew students will be training.

“We have lions, tigers and bears,” said Masucci. “With any luck, there won’t be any casualties and I’ll be able to teach biological anthropology with real models.”

The circus will begin in Dublin, work it’s way down to London and then to Paris, Barcelona, Berlin and Amsterdam. At each stop students will have a chance to fully immerse themselves in the local culture, sit in on classes at local universities and perform amazing feats of human endurance every night.  The proceeds from the circus will fund the trip, making it 100 percent free for all students. “We hope that without having to worry about the cost, the program will become available to many more people.” Masucci said.

The acts will include juggling, clowns, gymnastics, animal tricks and, as a special guest, ex-university president Bob Weisbuch on stilts. “I was travelling around Cancun, trying to find myself when I was approached by Dave Muha. I know that this will be a way to help the Drew community and show off some of my more unusual talents,” Weisbuch said.

Students accepted into the program will begin training in June and when they return will have obtained half a credit as well as been members of an elite entertainment company.

Muha summed up the program by saying: “This is truly a once in a lifetime chance and we hope Drew students make the most of it.”

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