Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sisters help circus community find faith center ring

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Sister Bernard Overkamp, right, chats with circus worker Freddy Osaba. (Courtesy Photo)
By Patricia McGeever
For The Catholic Telegraph
When the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus pulls into town as it did in March, 120 performers, 40 crew members, 60 souvenir and concessions salespeople, 93 animals and two nuns come with it. More precisely, two Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

Sisters Dorothy Fabritze and Bernard Overkamp have been traveling with and ministering to the circus community for about 14 years. The two women travel from city to city in an extended cab, four-wheel drive Chevy Silverado that pulls a 30-foot camping trailer that they call home. They average about 25,000 miles a year and have traveled cross country about 10 times.
“The main purpose we have the trailer is that we want to live with and among the circus people,” explains Sister Dorothy. “We want to be the living, breathing presence of the heart of God, which for us is love.”

The Sisters have traveled with different circuses and over the years and held various jobs as circus employees. Among Sister Dorothy’s duties were helping to erect the circus tent, pulling the show curtain during performances, working on the props crew and taking tickets. Sister Bernard cooked for everyone, also took tickets, worked in wardrobe fixing shoes and jewelry and helped with the load in and load out of all the equipment. All this was in addition to their ministry work.

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