Friday, May 3, 2013

Circus, Auctions, Sales and more
Around Town By Janet Douglas
May 2, 2013
The Kelly Miller Circus, sponsored by the local Rotary Club, has folded its tent and moved on after a successful two-day stop in Farmington. The only reminder of the Big Top's visit is in the keeping of Harold Hastings. Harold has served as the Manager of Exotic Waste Management for the circus visits for the past two years. The criteria for this position is a very large shovel, wheelbarrow, and strong stomach, as it entails the collection and removal of accumulated "poo" of the various members of the circus menagerie; specifically elephants, camels, horses and a zebra.
After the collecting portion, there still remains the problem of disposal. This is the situation where Harold now finds himself. What does one do with a truckload or two of exotic poo? Harold said he used a lot of it last year on his garden and it made a wonderful fertilizer, but now he has this year's crop added to the remains from last year and, well, the entire matter has gotten a little out of hand. So the solution is to share the bounty, so to speak, with as many local gardeners as care to take a portion of the redolent waste to spread on their own gardens. Those interested should contact Harold at his place of business on East Karsch Boulevard. Don't forget to bring your own shovels and containers. There is also a strict no return policy.

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