Friday, May 31, 2013

Circus life is a real family affair
 Jan Lennon joined the circus when she was just 17 and seven children and countless grandchildren later, her family has become one of the largest performing outfits in Australia.

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The circus business is a family affair for Stardust Circus matriach Jan Lennon
(Catherine Heuzenroeder - ABC Local)

By Catherine Heuzenroeder
31 May, 2013
It's a family that has not only stayed together, but travels together year-round, living on the road in their caravans.
 They train, perform and even holiday together.
 The young ones have teachers who travel with them, taking lessons in a caravan classroom.
 It is a lifestyle that Jan admits is in their blood.
 "I've not forced any of them to stay, not that you could even if you wanted to, but they've all chosen this life, and they all work hard and take the bad with the good," Jan says of her children's decision to stay with the circus.
 Everywhere they go, this family-run circus is a magnet for children and families, keen to see performers and animals under the big top.
 This week the Stardust Circus pulled up near the swimming pool at Berri.
Within a day, the empty reserve was transformed with carnival rides, caravans, brightly-painted semi trailers and a large circus tent.
 By Monday night - a week after they first arrived - they will be gone.
 "We are probably not in one place long enough to make real friendships with people," Jan says of their itinerant lifestyle.
 The circus family is self-sufficient, each bringing different skills to the business from performing and animal training, to building, carpentry, welding and tent-making.
 "They all drive trucks or semis, they are all pretty versatile," Jan says.
 Even outside of work, they remain together.
 "They have their arguments of course but they get over it pretty quick," Jan says of her family.
 "They're together all the year, even when they have four weeks off at the end of the year, would you believe, they all go off together?
 "It goes to show they really do have a close relationship."
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