Thursday, May 2, 2013


Circus hits Douglas

Miss Elizabeth dazzled the crowd with her hair hanging routine on April 23. Trisha Maldonado/Douglas Dispatch
By Trisha Maldonado
May 1, 2013
Small circuses like Culpepper & Merriweather Circus offer fans the opportunity to see the circus in an up-close and personal setting.
That’s exactly what visiting circus gave the community of Douglas on April 23 with two shows.
Francis the lion was introduced to the audience at the beginning of the event. There were many ooh’s and aah’s over the big loveable cat by many children in the audience.
Patrons were also entertained by the many antics of Judy and Punchy the clowns.
In a blur of motion and flurry of peddling, the Arlise Troupe navigated the ring on all sizes of unicycles.
Miss Elizabeth amazed the audience with her ‘Hang Hair’ routine. While Miss Elizabeth hung in midair by her hair she juggled and performed a stunning spinning routine.
Miss Natalie and her precious puppies amaze the audience at their many talents. Trisha Maldonado/Douglas Dispatch
Miss Natalie and her dogs showed the audience that dogs can do more than just sit and rollover. One of her fuzzy friends flew off a six foot ladder right into Miss Natalie’s arms.

The Arlise Troupe performed many spectacular stunts on unicycles off all sizes at the circus that visited Douglas last week.
Trisha Maldonado/Douglas Dispatch
The first show at 5 p.m. had a good turnout according to Danny Morales, Douglas Chamber of Commerce Secretary
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Mariana Lopez,1, watches in amazement during the 5 p.m. showing of the circus last week.
Trisha Maldonado/Douglas Dispatch
“I see a lot of smiles in the crowd. I see a lot of excitement,” he said. “I think this is probably the first time that several of them seen a big top circus. I can see it in the smiles as the little kids are coming in.”
Chamber President, Susan Kramer does hope to bring the circus back.

“I think it went very well. Both shows were pretty full,” she said. “I had many people come up to me thanking the chamber for doing this and that they loved the circus.”
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