Friday, May 17, 2013


The mane attraction! Circus performer dances with death in lion waltz

Dances with lions: Oleksiy Pinko, a Ukrainian circus artist, dances with a lion during a presentation of the new program in Ukraine's National Circus in Kiev on Wednesday
By Daily Mail Reporter
16 May 2013
Dancing in the arms of a full-grown lion may not be how most would prefer to spend their day, but then sticking their head between its jaws may not be either.
Oleksiy Pinko, Ukraine's famed circus artist and lion tamer, is a regular sight for such death-defying spectacles while photographed during his latest literally jaw-dropping performance with the National Circus in Kiev on Wednesday.
The lion, with paws the size of dinner plates, is seen twirling in Pinko's arms on the center ring while in another shot he's amazingly seen gently kissing the tip of the creature's wet nose.

One-to-three: The massive cat with paws the size of dinner plates wraps itself around Pinko as they twirl around the center ring
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Death defying: Pinko uses a few fingers to help stretch open the lion's massive jaws before he stuns his audience by sticking his unprotected head inside
If that weren't enough for his audience, Pinko then stretches the cat's massive jaws apart before sticking his unprotected head inside.
Pinko releases one hand from the cat's bottom jaw as he presses his head, face first, down the throat of the mighty beast.
As a long-time lion tamer, the astonishing series of stunts weren't his first brush with danger - nor would it have been his first time if attacked.
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