Friday, May 17, 2013


Woman with clown married to one

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By Rebecca Smith-Dawkins
May 16, 2013
IF you are scared of clowns, the last thing you would want to see is your husband of 21 years dressing up as one for his circus job.
Moscow-born Natalia Gonchorova, 41, works as a mannequin in her husband's clown act – but her phobia means she cannot stand the sight of him once he is all dressed up. In fact, the only way she can look at him is behind sunglasses.
The couple will be performing together at the Moscow State Circus in Nottingham this week – the fifth time the circus has come to the city since it arrived in the UK in 1995.

Natalia knew that her husband, Pavel Ivanov, 43, worked at the circus, but it was only when they were married three months later that she found out he dressed up as her worst nightmare for a living.
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