Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Circus thanked

New Freedom,PA--The New Freedom Recreation Council thanks the Kelly Miller Circus for coming to our town for another year and another wonderful performance. Not only do they put on a fun show and they leave the field cleaner than when they arrive, recycling their trash, but they love spending their off-time eating, shopping and walking our town, sharing the town with us.
We would also like to thank Saubel's, Wetzel's, and the Whistle Stop Bike Shop for selling advance tickets, and the Glen Rock Library and Rail Trail Café for hosting the clowns. Other merchants deserve our thanks as well: Bonkey's (who opened up a little early so the circus troop could have ice cream before their first show) and Summer's for giving away the circus family passes, and Penn Waste for the use of the dumpsters during the shows. Mostly, we thank the residents and friends of New Freedom for coming to the performances and supporting the New Freedom Recreation Council. Thank you.

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