Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Resident seeks ordinance to ban circuses that use animals in their acts

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Elephants and other circus animals are at the center of a debate in Milford, where a resident is pushing for an ordinance to ban circuses that feature animal acts. (File Photo)
By Jill Dion
June 4, 2013
Milford, CT--Circuses have long been a source of amusement and entertainment for young and old alike.
 They also have long been a point of contention between animal rights activists and the people who run the shows. Debates and studies can be found online, some supporting the animal right’s proponents, and others defending the treatment of circus animals.
 The show, and the debate, will be forefront in Milford next week when Cole Brothers comes to town with its elephants, tigers and other circus acts: In Defense of Animals will be there too, and is planning a protest on circus nights.
 “Classic Circus, American-style, complete with elephants, tigers, thrilling aerialists and acrobats, mystifying magic and hilarious clowns” will appear in Milford at the Westfield Connecticut Post mall from Monday, June 10, through Wednesday, June 12, with two Cole Brothers shows each day, at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m., according to a circus advertisement.
 The show features “Princess Vicenta’s astonishing assemblage of white tigers, awesome elephants with special guest star siblings, Babies Val and Hugo.”
 There will be daredevils, high wire acts, dogs, a human cannonball and clowns, the advertisement continues.
 Standing outside, likely at a distance as they have in past years, will be the people holding signs and urging others to put their wallets away and skip going to the circus.
 The protesters will include people like Milford resident Lorrie Davies, who is passionate about protecting animals and fighting for their well-being.
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