Friday, June 28, 2013

Under the big top in Thompson Falls

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Colin Murphey/Valley Press
Judy and Punchy the clowns sign a poster for Shiann Hall of Thompson Falls during intermission of the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus on Saturday. The company put on two shows before moving on to Libby on Sunday. The cast and crew produce two shows a day, seven days a week for 8 months straight.

by Colin Murphey/Valley Press
June 26, 2013
THOMPSON FALLS- Clowns, trapeze artists, performers on tall unicycles and big cats under the big top entertained a standing room only crowd on Saturday in Thompson Falls. Dazzling the crowd with acts varying from humorous to dangerous, the Culpepper and Merriweather Circus made the stop for the only two shows in Sanders County this year.
As the crowd made their way into the big top, they were greeted by Judy and Punchy the clowns. Judy and Punchy’s real names are Michelle Musser and Nathan Holguin but circus attendees would never know they were alter egos as they immersed themselves in character.
The show began with two tigers and a lion performing at the direction of Trey Key. The big cats performed a variety of acts all while safely enclosed in a steel cage. Solomon the lion and the two tigers, Francis and Delilah delighted the audience with their beauty and grace.
Next was an act featuring the over the top antics of Judy and Punchy. Providing comic relief from the other death defying acts, the two clowns traded vaudeville-style physical jabs at one another while inciting roars of laughter from the crowd.
After the clown act was the unicycle performance by the Dykes family known professionally as the Arlise Troupe of Ontario, Canada. Members of the Dykes family were featured in several acts during the performance. The finale of the routine included the eldest member of the family riding a 10 foot tall unicycle and juggling flaming torches.
Swinging in wide circles around the ring by trapeze rigging attached only to her hair, Elizabeth Ayala followed the unicycles in one of the more dramatic performances of the afternoon. Ayala was swung wildly around the ring without the benefit of a net to catch her in the event something went wrong.
The crack of a bullwhip startled some in the crowd as Mel Ray Silverlake followed the acrobatics of Ayala. With eye-popping accuracy, Silverlake whipped a flaming torch out of the mouth of ring announcer Simone Dykes.
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