Sunday, July 14, 2013


Big Apple Circus welcomed back to Lake George
New show ‘Legendarium’ praised by critics

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Animal trainer Jenny Vidbel directs her horses in a dancing routine during a performance of the Big Apple Circus’ 2013 show Legendarium, which is starting a two-week run Saturday July 13 in Charles Wood Park in Lake George Village. Big Apple Circus has prompted rave reviews for its aerial and acrobatic acts as well as its staging and live circus orchestra.
By Thom Randall
July 12, 2013
LAKE GEORGE — Local residents and area visitors experienced a rare sight
Wednesday July 10 as several dozen workers raised a massive big-top tent for the second annual engagement of the Big Apple Circus.
This year’s new show, a new production entitled Legendarium that’s been lauded by critics, explores historic aspects of circuses while presenting an array of acts with compelling contemporary appeal.
The Big Apple Circus has dazzled spectators and reviewers during its run in various cities this year.
Its two-week run in Charles Wood Park on the southern side of Lake George Village begins Saturday July 13 and features 24 performances over that time span in its air-conditioned big top.
The acclaimed circus features world-class aerialists and acrobats, a dancing duo that juggles while performing a fast-paced tango, and a contortionist whose moves defy description. The latter is Argentinian Elayne Kramer who performs an array of feats that include shooting a bow and arrow with her toes. In addition, there are dancing horses, charming trained mutts and a slack-wire acrobat that achieves unbelievable balancing stunts.
For 35 years, the Big Apple Circus — performed in an intimate setting where no spectator is more than 50 feet from the action — has prompted rave reviews nationally for its creativity and artistic spectacle. Stunning lighting effects and a talented live orchestra are elements in why the Big Apple Circus is considered unforgettable and families return to see their shows year after year.
The big-top tent is 63 feet high and supported by four masts 50 feet tall, from which is suspended a twelve-sided cupola frame with a diameter of 50 feet. Ninety-eight side poles support the periphery of the tent.
Big Apple’s 35–person tent crew worked for most of the day Wednesday July 10 to rig the tent, before they started to set up the seating, lighting, sound system and spectacular sets.
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