Thursday, August 22, 2013


Circus Oz promises Bunbury fun, laughter and magic

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Circus Oz's Jez Davies.
Aug. 22, 2013
CIRCUS: If you want to experience belly laughs, jaw dropping moments and amazing skill all in the one performance then Circus Oz is worth a visit.
Coming to Bunbury in September, Circus Oz will deliver quirky antics and the breathtakingly brilliant with their team of 12 talented performers.
One of the more experienced performers Jez Davies took time out from his busy schedule to talk to entertainment.
Davies has been with Circus Oz since 2006 and said life on the road was always entertaining.
“Being on the road for a long time is challenging so being flexible and having a good sense of humour is important,” he said.
“What you see on stage is pretty much an exaggerated version of our natural selves.”
Davies’ skills include magic, acrobatics, juggling, tumbling and playing the tuba.
He said the cast write their own routines so it was always interesting to see how the crowd reacted.
I do a tragic magic routine which Aussies get straight away but when we were in the US the crowd looked at me worried because they really thought I was bad,” he said.
While it is nerve wracking for Davies to perform his own routines in front on such a vast amount of people he said it allowed him to adapt the performance to suit each crowd and made it more interesting.
“It keeps us on our toes,” he said.
The Circus Oz show is set to bring you daring, dynamic and quirky performances that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
The Circus Oz will be at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre on September 11 at 7pm.

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