Tuesday, August 27, 2013

TG1-circus Monkey Martini in Brindisi and the judgment of the COURT in favour of the circus with animals

An edition of TG1 of 20.00 of 8/25/2013 rather biased, concerning the decision of the COURT whose judgment rejected the Mayor's Ordinance prohibiting the attendamento on its territory of circuses that use animals in their shows. Despite the news there is and this is an unequivocal "victory" to the circus that sees so reaffirmed the principle of the "social Function of circo equestre" enshrined in national law and therefore the right to exercise the profession and Circus Circus equestrian activity, the journalist subverts the order of events by overshadowing the legal victory by a rule of law giving space to the views of a mayor who continues to flaunt a vehement hostility to the circus, is not supported by tangible items but by feelings and sensations questionable. Too bad for this distortion of the news.

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