Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Circus still WOWS Crowd

From:  wapakdailynews.com
By Lance Mihm Staff Writer
August 5, 2013
The Amazing Owen, Ozzie the Juggler, Oliver the Daredevil and the Dazzling Varenka sounds more like a group of cleverly named super heroes tasked with providing entertainment all week at the Auglaize County Fair.
 In actuality they were circus performers with the Zerbini Family Circus. A large contingent of children turned out for the show and undoubtedly saw the performers as at least action heroes.
 Melody Ramirez, emcee for the circus, said the circus has been in the family for more than 250 years.
 Ramirez said this branch of the family circus has been together for approximately 20 years. They perform an average of two shows a day for six months out of the year. They come to the Auglaize County Fair approximately every four years and have been popular with the younger crowds.
 “We have a lot of younger guys and younger girls in the group,” Ramirez said. “They know what is popular with the kids and they enjoy what they are doing.”
 Every child was quick to point out their favorite. “I liked the dancing girls and the clown,” six-year-old Layla said. “The clown was very funny. I had a good time. I bet they all have to practice a lot.”
 Five-year-old Kylie Rohrbach, who also enjoyed the dancing girls, said she enjoyed the hula hoop girl as well.
 “I thought the show was really good,” Kylie said.
 Three-year old Caleb said he enjoyed the whole show and didn’t really have a favorite. Five-year-old Miley said she had lots of favorites, but especially enjoyed the dancing girls.
 Some of the acts with the show included the Amazing Owen doing his hand-balancing act, the Dazzling Verenka showing her prowess with several hula hoops at one time, and Julian Zerbini with his dog pound review and trained camels. Ozzie the juggler presented an amazing juggling act and Gustavo the Clown provided plenty of laughs.

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