Thursday, January 16, 2014

Arizona State Fair Boosts Attendance with New Marketing Strategies

From: Matt's Carnival
By Timothy Herrick
Photo courtesy of AZ State Fair
Attendance increased by more than 20,000 for the 129th edition of the Arizona State Fair in 2013. While many factors contributed to this robust uptick in fairgoers, two new advertising methods stick out for both their effectiveness and the fact they were firsts for the fair's marketing.

One was ad placement on the news feeds appearing on the monitors at the baggage claim section of the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. "These were digital spots only appeared in this area of the airport, where people wait for their luggage," said Kristi Walsh, Assistant Executive Director. While there's no accurate measurement for the effectiveness of these ads, Walsh speculates by utilizing this unique medium with a captive audience, she reached two important consumer segments. "We got the tourists and people visiting, who may be looking for things to do. And, we got residents returning home who may not have otherwise known there was a fair going on."
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