Monday, February 10, 2014


Written by
Photos and text by Scott Utterback 
The Courier-Journal
Febuary 9, 2014
Growing up doesn’t always mean putting away childish ways, especially when the circus is in town. Just ask the three generations of the Brewer family who went to see the 89th annual Kosair Shrine Circus on Sunday.

Sure the big tops have long ago given way to arenas, but the call of the ringmaster still commands the eyes of the old and the young to the center ring.
High above it, swinging from a trapeze, Lupata Meraz will wow the crowd. Then back on the ground the clown Minina and her trained dog Chana will fill the air with laughter.
Throw in the ability to tame elephants, camels and tigers, and it’s easy to see why Kailee Blain and her dad make this trip to Broadbent Arena at the Kentucky Exposition Center every year.
Besides all of the three-ring performances, the show included a chance for the kids to get close to the animals by riding the ponies, camels and elephants. Also, for the brave, one could have a snake draped around his or her neck, as Tabitha Demers did. “It felt really weird,” she said.
Maybe the only difference between the parents and the kids, under the proverbial big top, is the desire to buy a $10 light-up souvenir.
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