Sunday, February 16, 2014

Bill de Blasio May Ban Barnum & Bailey Circus from New York

by Daniel Greenfield
February 15, 2014 
At least the old lefties went in for bread and circuses. The new lefties like William Wilhelm Jr. aka Bill de Blasio are out to ban the circuses too. Maybe they hate the competition from professional trained clowns.

The engine behind the ban is the deeply controversial animal rights group NYCLASS that helped bankroll Bill de Blasio’s win. With so many top politicians in its pocket, it’s moving on from attacking horses to attacking elephants.

The circus is coming to town — and some advocates want it to be for the last time.

NYCLASS, the animal rights group that’s been the key player in pushing for a ban on Central Park horse carriages, says it also wants the city to bar the use of animals in circuses — one item on an expanded agenda it plans to pursue this year.

“Animals in the circus are horribly abused. Animals in nature don’t naturally wear tutus and stand on their hind legs,” said Allie Feldman, the group’s executive director.

Well you learn something new every day. But wait, here’s an elephant doing just that in nature.

Animal rights activists like Allie Feldman are ignorant swine when it comes to knowing anything about the animals they want to save kill for their own good. But that’s unnecessarily insulting to swine who don’t deserve being compared to Allie Feldman.

Feldman however is correct about tutus. Animals in nature don’t wear them. Animals in nature however also eat obnoxious animal rights activists so let’s call it even.
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